Here on, we’re forever receiving emails and requests from users asking us, “what does intersex mean?” so we’ve decided to create a go-to post you can revisit as and why you need for the true definition of what being intersex means, the implications on day-to-day life and the effects it can have on those born with the condition. After all, knowledge is power! Intersex people can now enjoy huge levels of success on Intersex dating sites, surrounded by a wide range of potential dates with similar conditions.

By definition, intersex is someone who is born with either a combination of male and female genitalia or doesn’t fit into the category of a traditional male or female baby. Nearly always, despite the appearance of the genitals, a doctor assigns a traditional sex to the infant, which can have huge implications later in the child’s life, especially if they’re characterized as a female, but feel like a male, and vice-versa.
Intersex babies can have a wide-ranging spectrum of physical traits that do not conform specifically to a gender norm; the possibilities to how an intersex child can be born are as follows:
- A clitoris that is much larger than expected to be
- A penis that is much smaller than expected to be
- No vaginal opening
- A penis lacking the urethra opening at the head
- An empty scrotum that resembles labia
Occasionally, babies are born with both male and female genitalia, with one gender showing externally and the other internally; these are especially tricky situations for doctors to deal with appropriately. Often in these cases, doctors will assign the gender of the baby based on other physical characteristics, such as length and the wishes of the parents. It’s not uncommon for doctors and parents make mistakes here, with life-changing impacts felt later in the lives of those affected.
Each of the above conditions at birth have differing effects on the daily lives of those born with them, some requiring immediate surgery and others requiring invasive procedures later in life. Whatever the case, each situation is highly personal, and often there’s no quick fix to find a solution. Children born this way are best cared for with love, attention, and compassion and treated like an open book yet to be written.
Sometimes, people born intersex have no inclination of their condition until a later stage in their development, usually just before puberty or during, these circumstances are more difficult to deal with due to the psychological effects involved. By now, the child has come to accept themselves to be one way, but the physical body is altering.
What Happens When Someone Is Born Intersex?

In the USA, 1 in every 2000 babies are born intersex, so the condition isn’t uncommon, and a lot of research has been done into children born this way. When a child is born, intersex doctors are advised to wait for surgery for as long as possible. Once a surgery to assign a gender to a baby is performed, the decision then cannot be altered at a later stage, not without a very painful process if at all possible. Therefore, unless medically necessary for the survival of the child, surgery Is best delayed until the child in question can make their own decision.
Moving on into the development of the child, it’s essential that the “what does intersex mean” question is addressed prior to puberty, ideally when the child is old enough to understand the condition. From a very young age, children are highly aware of their bodies and begin to notice differences between their parents, then peers. Often, this can be a tricky subject to broach with a young child, so the help of a therapist is highly recommended to achieve the best results.
After a gender is assigned to a child, it is necessary to check in periodically about the way they feel with the decision. It’s not uncommon for children to change their minds in conjunction with new feelings they’re beginning to experience. Offering support and a safe place for children to talk openly are proven effective methods of getting positive long-term results.
While all children are different and will respond to being born intersex in their unique ways, applying care and thoughtfulness in all aspects of dealing with the situation will maximize the potential to live a normal life for each child. The more knowledge and education provided around the circumstances, the better the livelihoods of those affected.
What does intersex mean for the lives of those affected? In truth, different things. But, by receiving appropriate support and attention, intersex babies can live fulfilling lives.
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